A database system provide Data
Definition Language(DDL) to specify Database schema and Data Manipulation Language(DML) to express Database queries and updates.
They are a part of a single Database language, such as the widely used
SQL language.
Data Manipulation Language (DML)
DML allows users to acces and manipulate data as organized by the appropriate
data models.The types of
access are,
* Retrieval of data
* Insertion of data
* Deletion of data
* Modification of data
Basically there are two types
of DMLs,
1) Procedural DML
Here user need to specify
what data and how to access that data
2) Declarative DML (Non
procedural DML)
Here user need to specify
what the data is and the DML will find an effective way to access
those data
Therefore users mostly prefer
Declarative DMLs since it is easier to learn and it can efficiently
carry out data access.
Data Definition Language
We specify database schema by
a set of definitions and additional properties of data using DDL. We
specify the storage structure and access methods used by Database
system by a set of statements in a special type of DDL called data
storage and definition language.
The DDL provides facilities
to specify certain consistency constraints. Database system implement
integrity constraints that can be tested with minimal overhead.
* Domain Constraints
Declaring an attribute like
int, char as a specific domain acts as constraints on the values it
can take. They are checked whenever new data items are entered.
* Referential integrity
There occurs some cases where
we want a value appearingin one relation must appear in another
relation. In some cases database modification cause violation in Referential integrity. When that happens, the action that causes the
violation is rejected.
* Assertion
Assertion is any condition
that a database must always satisfy. Domain constraints and
Refrential integrity are other forms of assertions. When an assertion
is created, system tests for its validity. If it is valid, database
allows further modification if it does not cause any violation.
* Authorization
Users are differentiated
according to type of access that they have to the database. This
differentiation among the users are expressed in terms of
The different types of
authorizations are,
- Read authorization
- Insert authorization
- Update authorization
- Delete authorization
Data dictionary is a special
type of table that can be accessed and updated by the database system
itself. The database system consults the data dictionary before
reading and modifying the data.
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